DateTime / DateTimeOffset
Describes the possible expectations for DateTime
and DateTimeOffset
You can verify, that the DateTime
or DateTimeOffset
is equal to another one or not:
DateTime subject1 = new DateTime(2024, 12, 24);
await Expect.That(subject1).IsEqualTo(new DateTime(2024, 12, 24));
DateTimeOffset subject2 = new DateTimeOffset(2024, 12, 24, 13, 15, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
await Expect.That(subject2).IsEqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 12, 24, 13, 15, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)));
You can also specify a tolerance:
DateTime subject1 = new DateTime(2024, 12, 24);
await Expect.That(subject1).IsEqualTo(new DateTime(2024, 12, 23)).Within(TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
.Because("we accept values between 2024-12-23 and 2024-12-25");
DateTimeOffset subject2 = new DateTimeOffset(2024, 12, 24, 13, 15, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
await Expect.That(subject2).IsEqualTo(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 12, 24, 13, 5, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2))).Within(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))
.Because("we accept values between 2024-12-24T12:55:00+2:00 and 2024-12-24T13:15:00+2:00");
You can verify, that the DateTime
or DateTimeOffset
is (on or) after another value:
DateTime subject1 = DateTime.Now;
await Expect.That(subject1).IsAfter(new DateTime(2024, 1, 1));
await Expect.That(subject1).IsOnOrAfter(new DateTime(2024, 1, 1));
DateTimeOffset subject2 = DateTimeOffset.Now;
await Expect.That(subject2).IsAfter(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)));
await Expect.That(subject2).IsOnOrAfter(new DateTimeOffset(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)));
You can also specify a tolerance:
DateTime subject = DateTime.Now;
await Expect.That(subject).IsAfter(DateTime.Now).Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
.Because("it should have taken less than one second");
You can verify, that the DateTime
or DateTimeOffset
is (on or) before another value:
DateTime subject1 = DateTime.Now;
await Expect.That(subject1).IsBefore(new DateTime(2124, 12, 31));
await Expect.That(subject1).IsOnOrBefore(new DateTime(2124, 12, 31));
DateTimeOffset subject2 = DateTimeOffset.Now;
await Expect.That(subject2).IsBefore(new DateTimeOffset(2124, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)));
await Expect.That(subject2).IsOnOrBefore(new DateTimeOffset(2124, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)));
You can also specify a tolerance:
DateTime subject = DateTime.Now;
await Expect.That(subject).IsOnOrBefore(DateTime.Now).Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
.Because("it should have taken less than one second");
You can verify, the properties of DateTime
or DateTimeOffset
DateTime subject = new DateTime(2024, 12, 31, 15, 16, 17, 189, DateTimeKind.Utc);
// or
DateTimeOffset subject = new DateTimeOffset(2024, 12, 31, 15, 16, 17, 189, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90));
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().EqualTo(2024);
await Expect.That(subject).HasMonth().EqualTo(12);
await Expect.That(subject).HasDay().EqualTo(31);
await Expect.That(subject).HasHour().EqualTo(15);
await Expect.That(subject).HasMinute().EqualTo(16);
await Expect.That(subject).HasSecond().EqualTo(17);
await Expect.That(subject).HasMillisecond().EqualTo(189);
For DateTime
you can also verify the Kind
await Expect.That(subject).HasKind().EqualTo(DateTimeKind.Utc);
For DateTimeOffset
you can also verify the Offset
await Expect.That(subject).HasOffset().EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90));
All property verifications support the following comparisons:
DateTime subject = new DateTime(2024, 12, 31, 15, 16, 17);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().EqualTo(2024);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().NotEqualTo(2020);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().GreaterThan(2023);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2024);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().LessThanOrEqualTo(2024);
await Expect.That(subject).HasYear().LessThan(2025);
Default Tolerance
In Windows the DateTime
resolution is about 10 to 15 milliseconds, so
comparing them as exact values might result in brittle tests.
Therefore, it is possible to specify a default tolerance that is used for all DateTime
, DateTimeOffset
, DateOnly
and TimeSpan
comparisons (unless an explicit tolerance is given):
IDisposable lifetime = Customize.aweXpect.Settings().DefaultTimeComparisonTolerance.Set(15.Milliseconds());