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Describes the possible expectations for strings.


You can verify, that the string is equal to another one.
This expectation can be configured to ignore case, ignore newline style, ignoring leading or trailing white-space, or use a custom IEqualityComparer<string>:

string subject = "some text";

await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("some text")
.Because("it is equal");
await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("SOME TEXT").IgnoringCase()
.Because("we ignored the casing");
await Expect.That("a\r\nb").IsEqualTo("a\nb").IgnoringNewlineStyle()
.Because("we ignored the newline style");
await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo(" some text").IgnoringLeadingWhiteSpace()
.Because("we ignored leading white-space");
await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("some text \t").IgnoringTrailingWhiteSpace()
.Because("we ignored trailing white-space");
await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("SOME TEXT").Using(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Because("the comparer ignored the casing");


You can also compare strings using wildcards:

string subject = "some text";

await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("*me tex?").AsWildcard();

When using AsWildcard, the following wildcard specifiers are supported:

Wildcard specifierMatches
* (asterisk)Zero or more characters
? (question mark)Exactly one character

Regular expressions

You can also compare strings using regular expressions:

string subject = "some text";

await Expect.That(subject).IsEqualTo("(.*)xt").AsRegex();

The regex comparison uses the following options:

  • Multiline (always)
  • IgnoreCase (if the IgnoringCase method is also used)

One of

You can verify, that the string is one of many alternatives.
This expectation can be configured to ignore case, ignore newline style, ignoring leading or trailing white-space, or use a custom IEqualityComparer<string>:

string subject = "some";

await Expect.That(subject).IsOneOf("none", "some", "many");
await Expect.That(subject).IsOneOf("NONE", "SOME", "MANY").IgnoringCase()
.Because("we ignored the casing");
await Expect.That(subject).IsOneOf("NONE", "SOME", "MANY").Using(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Because("the comparer ignored the casing");

Null, empty or white-space

You can verify, that the string is null, empty or contains only whitespace:

string? subject = null;

await Expect.That(subject).IsNull();
await Expect.That("foo").IsNotNull();

await Expect.That("").IsEmpty();
await Expect.That("foo").IsNotEmpty()
.Because("the string is not empty");

await Expect.That(subject).IsNullOrEmpty();
await Expect.That("foo").IsNotNullOrEmpty();
await Expect.That(subject).IsNullOrWhiteSpace();
await Expect.That("foo").IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace();


You can verify, that the string has the expected length:

string subject = "some value";

await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().EqualTo(10);
await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().NotEqualTo(9);

await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().GreaterThan(8);
await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().GreaterThanOrEqualTo(9);
await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().LessThanOrEqualTo(11);
await Expect.That(subject).HasLength().LessThan(12);

String start / end

You can verify, that the string starts or ends with a given string.
These expectations can be configured to ignore case, ignore newline style, ignoring leading or trailing white-space, or use a custom IEqualityComparer<string>:

string subject = "some text";

await Expect.That(subject).StartsWith("some");
await Expect.That(subject).StartsWith("SOME").IgnoringCase()
.Because("we ignored the casing");
await Expect.That(subject).StartsWith("SOME").Using(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Because("the comparer ignored the casing");

await Expect.That(subject).EndsWith("text");
await Expect.That(subject).EndsWith("TEXT").IgnoringCase()
.Because("we ignored the casing");
await Expect.That(subject).EndsWith("TEXT").Using(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Because("the comparer ignored the casing");


You can verify, that the string contains a given substring.
These expectations can be configured to ignore case, ignore newline style, ignoring leading or trailing white-space, or use a custom IEqualityComparer<string>:

string subject = "some text";

await Expect.That(subject).Contains("me");
await Expect.That(subject).Contains("ME").IgnoringCase()
.Because("we ignored the casing");
await Expect.That(subject).Contains("ME").Using(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Because("the comparer ignored the casing");

You can also specify, how often the substring should be found:

string subject = "In this text in between the word an investigator should find the word 'IN' multiple times.";

await Expect.That(subject).Contains("in").AtLeast(2)
.Because("'in' can be found 3 times");
await Expect.That(subject).Contains("in").Exactly(3)
.Because("'in' can be found 3 times");
await Expect.That(subject).Contains("in").AtMost(4)
.Because("'in' can be found 3 times");
await Expect.That(subject).Contains("in").Between(1).And(5)
.Because("'in' can be found 3 times");

Character casing

You can verify, that the characters in a string are all upper or lower cased:

await Expect.That("1ST PLACE").IsUpperCased()
.Because("it contains no lowercase characters");
await Expect.That("1st PLACE").IsNotUpperCased()
.Because("it contains at least one lowercase characters");

await Expect.That("1st place").IsLowerCased()
.Because("it contains no uppercase characters");
await Expect.That("1st PLACE").IsNotLowerCased()
.Because("it contains at least one uppercase characters");