Describes the possible expectations for delegates and exceptions.
A delegate can be any of the following:
a synchronous method without return value (optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)Func<Task>
orFunc<CancellationToken, Task>
an asynchronous method without return value (optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)Func<ValueTask>
orFunc<CancellationToken, ValueTask>
an asynchronous method usingValueTask
without return value (optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)Func<T>
orFunc<CancellationToken, T>
a synchronous method with return valueT
(optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)Func<Task<T>>
orFunc<CancellationToken, Task<T>>
an asynchronous method with return valueT
(optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)Func<ValueTask<T>>
orFunc<CancellationToken, ValueTask<T>>
an asynchronous method usingValueTask
with return valueT
(optionally accepting aCancellationToken
for timeout)
Not throw
You can verify, that the delegate does not throw any exception:
void Act() => {};
await Expect.That(Act).DoesNotThrow();
Throw exception
You can verify, that the delegate throws an exception:
void Act() => throw new CustomException("my exception");
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException();
Specific exception
You can verify, that the delegate throws a specific exception:
void Act() => throw new CustomException("my exception");
await Expect.That(Act).Throws<CustomException>();
await Expect.That(Act).Throws(typeof(CustomException));
This will verify that the thrown exception is of type CustomException
or any derived type.
Exact exception
You can verify, that the delegate throws exactly a specific exception:
void Act() => throw new CustomException("my exception");
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsExactly<CustomException>();
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsExactly(typeof(CustomException));
This will verify that the thrown exception is of type CustomException
and not any derived type.
Conditional throw
You can verify, that the delegate throws an exception only if a predicate is satisfied (otherwise it verifies, that no exception is thrown):
void Act() => throw new CustomException("my exception");
bool expectThrownException = true;
await Expect.That(Act).Throws<CustomException>().OnlyIf(expectThrownException);
This is especially useful with parametrized tests where it depends on a parameter if an exception is thrown or not.
Exception message
You can verify the message of the thrown exception:
void Act() => throw new CustomException("my exception");
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithMessage("my exception");
You can use the same configuration options as when comparing strings.
Inner exceptions
You can verify the inner exception of the thrown exception;
void Act() => throw new CustomException("outer", new CustomException("inner"));
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithInnerException();
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithInner<CustomException>();
Recursive inner exceptions
You can recursively verify the collection of inner exceptions of the thrown exception:
void Act() => throw new AggregateException("outer", new CustomException("inner"));
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithRecursiveInnerExceptions(innerExceptions => innerExceptions.HasAtLeast(1).Be<CustomException>());
Other members
You can recursively verify additional members of the exception:
void Act() => throw new MyException("outer", paramName: "paramName", hResult: 12345);
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithParamName("paramName")
.Because("you can verify the `paramName`");
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException().WithHResult(12345)
.Because("you can verify the `HResult`");
await Expect.That(Act).ThrowsException()
.Which(e => e.HResult, h => h.IsGreaterThan(12340))
.Because("you can verify arbitrary additional members");
Execute within
You can verify, that the delegate finishes execution in a specified amount of time
await Expect.That(Task.Delay(200)).ExecutesWithin(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300))
.Because("it should only take about 200ms");
await Expect.That(Task.Delay(200)).DoesNotExecuteWithin(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
.Because("it should take at least 200ms");